Well my Mom emailed me this morning and asked what I thought about Senator McCain's choice of the Governor of Alaska as his running-mate. Being not too enthralled with conservative politicians I have two responses. First if that ticket wins (yuck, ok three responses now), the good news is we will be rid of here, but the bad news is Alaska will just elect another conservative ass in her place.
My last response, is that aside from eye candy I don't see that she will be that helpful. So far in her political career she has been a city council member and Mayor of a town of less thatn 10,000 and elected governor when running against a very unpopular and unpleasant incumbent.
I find it hard to believe that them American people will be thrilled with a politician going from city council person in a very small city to VP in four years. McCain has been hitting hard on the experience factor and now won't have a leg to stand on in that department.
A Bright Epiphany Light Phillis Wheatley
14 hours ago
I was just getting ready to check out your blog when I saw your comment at the Dance Party. You are now officially the Dance Party Alaska Correspondent. Sorry, no money involved, but, as a priest, you're used to that!
Linky dinky lovey dovey coming soon...
You are our man in Alaska!
I would much rather be your man back in The Bahamas. I could keep an eye on my old buddy +Drexel that way.
It's nice to know that someone who has lived under this mad woman's rule knows what the rest of the world may be in for
Personally I'm not even a teensie (is that how you spell it) bit surprised/troubled with the choice of Jessee Jane Sarah Ventura Palin ...McCain and the Republican "madness-mongering" machine are hauled out and about and squeaking real hard in their far reaching quest for Veep President...now we see a Miracle Mom/Attila the Hun with "common sense" has been brought up and into the mess...they've now got a Lion and a Wildcat "ticket" when the really smart money would have gone for a Lamb...Lyons lying down with Lambs has always been a favorite with most religious folk.
This pack of weenies ain't made up of Kosher quality stuff...you'll see, this election is getting nastier and nastier as the Worlds Stomachs TURN at the vileness of Bush and his ongoing breed of troublemakers.
i am here from FranIAm
can you tell me why she has 80% approval ratings --
and from what i read she was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it.....
I think she has such a favorable rating because (1) she is a good looking woman and there are so many men in Alaska; and (2) she replaced a wildly unpopular and abrasive governor so she was a breath of fresh air after him.
A heartbeat away....
I hate to put it so crassly, but you'd think a 72 year old man would pick someone with wider experience. As I said at another blog, I want to see her debate Joe Biden, especially on foreign affairs.
Robert, you da man now. Keep us informed.
My God, I heard her speak and held my ears! I cannot imagine having her in any position of power. And that remark about Hilary and the glass ceiling was just really stupid sounding.
Well, she is a "religious" wingnut whackjob.
Glad to know there is a clear thinker up there in the Alaska...
Today I posted a three-part interview between the Wash Post and journalists for AK newspapers, and not ONE of them is impressed. Easy reading.
Yes, she is a right end Christian and she will cement those already glued. I believe however she will drive off a number of social moderate/economic conservatives with her VERY odd views on just about everything.
Clearly, what we have done in the past hasn't helped, so her point of view on this belongs to the neanderthals. I do think people are realizing we must make a change, and pretty quickly.
Yes, I'm hoping this proves to be a huge mistake. I'm sure politicians looked at every angle but for the life of me this only looks bad for the republicans (which means it looks great to me).
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