The lesson in Isaiah for the Daily Office today was very interesting. It is Isaiah 1:10-20 and in it the prophet talks about Sodom and Gomorrah. Now this topic happens to be a favorite of the
conservatives when they like to raise the alarm about us unrepentant homosexuals. Interesting, Isaiah has nothing to say about gay sex in this passage. There is no call addressing their sexual sins. Instead the people are called to cease to do evil, learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow. It seems obvious to me that Isaiah was worried about issues other than sexual when he reflected about Sodom and Gomorrah. I only wish the conservatives would figure that out.
I wonder what one has learned in doing all those things??? Has knowledge been gained or have you just " intellectualized" this fantasy we call reality in those exotic experiences., .??? Was there perhaps a conformation of ones [ physical] existence through said experiences?? But then again how could “existence” be confirmed as something “permanent” when everything is transitory in nature.?? is this to much of a request??? you Seen the Grand Canyon in person… was that the NORTH fork of the SOUTH fork???. two totally different worlds fer sure.. just curious. .. did ya ever notice its only stupid people like meself that ask questions. WISE MEN NEVER SPEAK. .
one other thing about the sex issue ....doesn't it say some where that "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." [ good ole Leviticus. talk about ONE BITTER QUEEN. anyway]]
TO me its no big deal of course cause ive been with the same dude for 45 years. [ and much to the dismay of the contemporary Christian VERY HAPPILY i might add…where of course most of them are on their second or third marriage.
How’s THAT for family values. ?? .
I actually believe from some history that I read somewhere that the church DID at one time sanction same sex marriages. And there is a bishop or something like that today in contemporary Catholicism that was buried NEXT to his alleged lover, but their bodies have been separated because he is now up for sainthood. .. ..[ nothing liek prmoting a double standard huh??]
I think if Christ came back to day. he would REALLY be ashamed to be called a Christian. its NOT Christ that’s the problem it’s the PEOPLE that make up the organization …
Hey, Robert, you left off v. 18: "Come now, let us argue it out, says the Lord..."
Well, there ya go. God wants us not to just take our actions at face value..."He said it, so I dood it or didn't dood it"...but to TALK about what is sin and look inward to our relationship with God for what sin is and how sin affects us, and be forgiven, to go from "crimson" to "white as snow."
So the Christian right going for a prefab, ready made explanation of a few Biblical passages is the lazy way out. We are supposed to dialogue. Dialogue with each other and with God, and discover in our own hearts what sin is. I have a feeling if one really thinks about committed love beyond the "put tab A into slot B" aspects of human genitalia, the answers are not so cut and dried!
Ah, those unrepentant homosexuals again....
Oh Robert - this is so great.
Thank you Fran!
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