Monday, October 13, 2008

prayer request

I would appreciate everyone's prayers. I have been offered the job of Head of the Maritime Department at work. Having only been there two months it is a sign of how much turmoil the department has been in. I will be the 4th Department Head in 4 years. While I'm very honored that they want me and while I know that if things were running smoothly it would be a great job to have, I still have some doubts at this point.

thanks so much.


Kirkepiscatoid said...

I'll certainly sit with you on this one, Robert.

This sounds like something not too far removed from your previous life. Can you take this not perfect vessel and make a real ship out of her? How long do you think it will take? How long do they expect it to take? WHO will it take for a crew? All good questions in my mind...

Leonard said...

Lots to think/inquire about...then not think about for a while (if you have time to consider the offer)...more will be revealed.

Fran said...

Many prayers for you dear Robert. May the Holy Spirit illuminate your heart and mind.

Keep us posted and know you are held from afar with great love.

Cany said...

You will be in my prayers. This could be a dilemma, on the surface, and I understand your concern.

Prayers on the way...

KathyK said...

Robert, you are the perfect person to take this on! You have wonderful leadership abilities, this is something you've obviously enjoyed. You were given this opportunity for a reason, go for it!

Deborah O'Hara said...

Well said Kathy. I agree.

susan s. said...

Well, I agree with Leonardo, Kirke, and Fran. Prayers for you Robert.

susan s. said...

Oh, and Cany, too!