Tuesday, June 24, 2008

GAFCON, the Anglican Communion, and does anyone really care

I have noticed that many places in the blogosphere are full it posts about GAFCON, either how great, wonderful, and amazing it is or about how horrible, wrong minded, foolish and judgemental it is. And of course many comments regarding how this will or will not affect the Anglican Communion.

But I have to ask, does it really matter? The folks in my former parish never really cared or were even aware of all the machinations going on. Not because they are ignorant or don't have an opinion (trust me many of them definitely have opinions!), but because the truth of the matter is that the Anglican Communion is not all that important. What matters to them is what we are doing to share the love of Jesus in our community and in the world.

I don't think the folks at St. Peter's really are all that worked up about the future of the Anglican Communion, because they know that St. Peter's will continue to love people and to try to feed the poor and visit the sick.

I really wish others would recognize that is what is really important too. I wonder how many mouths would have been fed by all the money put into GAFCON.


KathyK said...

Robert, you are so right about the St. Peter's Parishioners. I had to go look up GAFCON just so I could be sure what exactly the issue is and came across this blog: http://gafcon.blogspot.com/ which led me to http://timescolumns.typepad.com/gledhill/2008/06/gafcon-the-bann.html Are they serious? This reminds me of my childhood when "no girls are allowed" in the boy's fort. All I can say is Thank You Lord for keeping St. Peter's focused on the love of Jesus for ALL.

Robert said...

Thanks Kathy. www.gafcon.blogspot.com is a very funny satire on the entire gafcon thing which I have posted about here before. And you are absolutely right about the "no girls allowed" attitude.