Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C, January 28, 2007

This morning we hear the story of the call of the prophet Jeremiah to service for God. As is fairly common in the calling stories in the Hebrew Scriptures, we find a rather reluctant recipient of the call. And we can hardly blame Jeremiah for this response. Look at the treatment prophets get. When you think about it, a call from God is not necessarily such a great thing. People hate you. They persecute you. They ignore you. They taunt you. It seems that calls from God are not such a great thing. And so Jeremiah pleads to be let off the hook. He is young. He is not an eloquent speaker. But of course, God does not brook excuses. And God gets to the heart of the issue. Not only does God promise to give the words, but God encourages Jeremiah to not be afraid of “them” because God will be with him. God knew that Jeremiah knew the life ahead of a prophet and got to the heart of the matter.

I don’t think that things have changed all that much today. It can be a frightening thing to receive a call from God. Many of us are only too willing to make excuses and try and put God off. But that is rarely a successful endeavor. By our baptism we are all called to serve God in the church and in the world. Others are called to ordained ministry as deacons and priests. That is also a call many of us might like to fight off. I know I tried to ignore my call for quite some time. But God tends to keep after us and eventually it became clear to me that God would not let me off the hook.

Perhaps in your own life you have felt the call of God to a particularly ministry. There are many excuses all of us can use. I’m not good enough. I don’t speak well enough (a perennial favorite in the Hebrew Scriptures). You must be mistaken, you can possible mean me! I don’t have enough talent or time or ability. I am not capable enough. I am not something, anything enough! Our excuses are limited only by our imagination.

If you ever feel overwhelmed by what you think God is calling you to do, take hope. God promises to be with you. You see, God does not call us and then abandon us. God provides what is necessary to answer the call. Some of you today may be struggling with the call of God in your own life. You may be wondering how in the world you can do what God has called you to do. But God does not abandon us. God will follow you and bless you as you follow the path God has set before you.

It is not always easy to follow a call though. Aside from all our personal reservations and concerns we often have to deal with those around us as well who might question our call. Jesus himself had to deal with this situation. In the Gospel of Luke today people drove Jesus out of town, not a particularly warm reception. And yet in other places people were astounded by Jesus. No doubt that as we follow the call of God in our lives we will experience the same sort of responses. Some will doubt or scoff and wonder how in the world God could use someone like me. Others will be excited and supportive.

But when you think about it, that is really life. The key is to find and work with those who are supportive.

Is God calling you to do something? How have you been responding to that call? Are you approaching it willing and hopeful to do what God has called you to do? That is the response God is waiting for. But don’t worry, even if we respond like Jeremiah, or Jonah, or Moses God will still be there working in our lives. God will patiently continue to call you until you respond. To be honest I’m not sure if that should be comforting or scary, but it is true.

If you are worried that you might not be up to the task, don’t. God will give you what you need. Actually, I think God prefers to work through our weaknesses. When God chooses to use us in this way we are unable to try and rely on our own strengths. Instead me must rely on the strength of God working through us.

I learned a fantastic song last weekend. The words go something like this: You are loved. You are beautiful. You are gift of God, His own possession. You are gift to all mankind. His gift of love to them you are His. God danced the day you were born.” Never forget this. God calls us sometimes to step out of our comfort zone. But we always need to remember that we are loved by God and a gift from God. The idea that God danced the day each of us was born excites me.

We don’t serve a boring or scary or threatening God. We serve a God who danced the day we were born. So when God calls you, don’t make excuses (even if they happen to be true). Instead dance. Dance to answer the call of God in your life.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sermon for the First Sunday after the Epiphany, Year C, January 7, 2007

Who or what is God to you? When you think of God what are the images that come to your mind? These are important questions for us to consider. The portrait we carry of God in our own mind will affect how we see God and how we see God at work in the world and in our lives.

Some of the lessons today speak of God’s revelation of self to others. Perhaps the revelations were exactly what the people expected. Perhaps they were much different from what was expected. As I pondered this idea of God’s self revelation I though about the different way that I or others have viewed God.

Some see God as a sort of cosmic and all powerful Santa Clause. We ask for good things and if we have been nice we can expect to receive. However is we have been naughty we can anticipate the proverbial lump of coal.

Others may see God as a 911 responder to emergencies. The kind of God you make supplication to once in a blue moon. Perhaps when things are so desperate that I have to give up thinking I can handle it myself and toss up a “hail Mary” prayer hoping against hope that since I haven’t prayed to God in so long a while that I will be remembered and saved from whatever horrible circumstances I find myself in.

Others may see God as that benign grandfather. Some what similar to the Santa Clause God, but a little more active and involved in our lives. Giving us all good things, perhaps whether we deserve them or not.

Perhaps some see God as an all powerful and all knowing scorekeeper. A God who keeps track of how well or how poorly we are doing in our life. In the end it is all up to us, but God is constantly looking over our shoulders keep the score.

And of course there is always the option of God as the stern disciplinarian. God standing over us with a long list of rules and regulations which we are expected to keep and if we don’t, we can count on getting our just rewards.

As we look to our lessons for today we will not see any of those images fortunately. Today have heard of God’s self revelation. We will no longer be dealing with the imaginations of ideas of women and men about how God is. Just yesterday was the Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany if the feats of the Church which celebrates the revelation of the son of God to the Gentiles in the persons of the magi. But this is a strange revelation. The magi come in search of a king. My guess is that they were looking for a palace, some finely appareled parents and a baby in a setting fit for a king. Instead at the end of their journey they find a baby in poverty. Perhaps the human response might have been to turn away. Certainly the star must be wrong. This baby can’t be the right one. But they accept what God has revealed to them. In spite of their preconceived notions they offer the gifts they have brought for this king.

In the prophet Isaiah today we hear God revealing himself to his people again. God reveals himself as the one who created them, the one who ransomed them, and the one who will be with them. After grieving over the failure of the chosen people to remain faithful to God in chapter 42 God still reaches out to them in love. Here we find not a scorekeeper God, not a Santa, grandfather or any of the other notions one might have of God. Instead we see a God of patience, love, and compassion.

What a comfort it is to know that we still follow a God who unfailingly reaches out to us. No matter our faults, our fears, or our failures, God reaches out to us. The same God who again and again sought out his chosen people Israel will again and again seek us out. God does not count the number of times he has been rejected, but steadily continues to call us out by name. “When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you.”[1] Those are the words of God to a people he is trying to call back to himself. These are the same words God speaks to us when we fail.

The story of the baptism of Jesus in Luke also reveals more of God to us. I think the most important revelation in this story for me is the revelation and reminder that God is a God of relationships. God refers to Jesus as his beloved. This term speaks of a richness of depth that is incomprehensible to me. God could have just announced Jesus as his son or as the messiah, either announcement would have gotten the job done. But God announces Jesus as his beloved son.

This is something we share with Jesus. As children of God through Jesus we likewise are beloved children of God. Having faith and confidence in this truth, we need to do away with revelations of God in our own minds that are inconsistent with this view of sharing in the heritage of a beloved child of God. Those false views of God will only encumber us in our walk with Jesus. They will hold us back and not allow us to enjoy the truth of our relationship with the creator of the universe. That same God who created all in his spoken word speaks to us today and calls us beloved children of God.

[1] Is. 43:2 (NLT)